I introduce to you my new blog : http://bookarchive.blogspot.com.
I have, for a while now, wanted to have something where I can document the books that I read, but I didn't quite know how I would do that. I thought about creating an application, a website more like with a content management system that I could easily update. That would take some time though, time which I didn't really have so nothing ever came out of it. I detest handwriting, so I wasn't even going to attempt to keep something like a journal, besides who uses a pen to write anymore? Crazy people maybe. All I use a pen to write with is when I have to sign on something. Keeping a million Word documents or a huge document with all my reviews wouldn't really be ideal, that would be a bitch to manage. My idea was something where I could easily write a review when I finish a book and then be able to get back to it later on without having to manually search through all of the reviews.
Since I started this blog I realized how much I love reading, and that is where the idea cropped up. Make a blog ! And voilà I got what I wanted. Somewhere to dump my thoughts on the books I read which I could later easily get back to, with the added advantage that other people can read them, and even post their own opinions perhaps. Ok so that is a little far fetched because nobody would be reading the blog, let alone post comments, but there's always the option !
Now to make things clear, the aim isn't to provide deep insight about a book, but only to keep a record of what I thought about it and my feelings about the book.
Because I want everything in unity an structured, you will notice that the layout is similar to this one, because really if you have more than one blog their layouts should be the same style, in my head it sort of defines who that blog belongs to, if you get what I mean. I know it might sound crazy to some people, or most.
Now will you head over there and check it out?
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